Location of stone: Johannisstrasse 17 | District: St. Johannis |
Sponsor: Dave Kolm | Laying of stone: 26. Mai 2023 |
On 26 May 2023, Gunter Demnig laid ten stumbling stones in Nuremberg, five of them in memory of former Jewish citizens of Nuremberg. These included Pauline Kohn, who was murdered in Theresienstadt in 1942.
Pauline Kohn (née Strauss) was born on 25 September 1862 in Heiligenstadt in the administrative district of Bamberg. In 1894, she married the hop trader and cattle dealer Hesslein Kohn in Bamberg. Hesslein was born on 4 November 1847 in Uehlfeld and died on 4 August 1922 in Bamberg. In May 1935, Pauline went to live in the Jewish retirement home at Johannisstrasse 17 in Nuremberg. On 10 September 1942, she was deported to Theresienstadt concentration camp and murdered there on 18 November 1942.
- Nuremberg City Archives, C21/X No. 5 registration card.
- www.holocaust.cz/de/opferdatenbank/opfer/19396-pauline-kohn/ [accessed on 14 June 2023].
- fis.uni-bamberg.de/bitstream/uniba/206/1/Dokument_1.pdf [accessed on 14 June 2023].